Monday, May 18, 2009

Kereta dan VRRM

Hari ini jalan-jalan naik kereta bersama pacar. Ahh, ya terjebak tugas jurfot yang mengharuskan foto transportasi publik Jakarta. Tapi cukup menyenangkan. Si pacar excited karena baru 2 kali naik kereta. Lucunya. Gue juga sih, tapi udah keseringan ngeliat tiap hari jadi rasanya udah sering naik aja. Hahaha. Naik kereta ekspress tuh oke juga lho ternyata. Nggak sumpek, bau, riweh, basah (?) kayak kalo naik kereta Ekonomi. Kayak naik subway di pelem-pelem. Lumayan laah.

I think occasions like these are what I love about my current relationship. We're not afraid to try something new. Eat someplace we've never been, go somewhere even if we don't know how, ride different transportations. It's so much fun! Instead of just going around in a car, eating at some fancy place at the mall, seeing on-sale items we still can't afford to buy.

Yang kayak gini yang bikin hari-hari gue lebih berwarna, lebih gado-gado rasanya (seperti kacang?).

For this, I'm thanking him : Vicky Rangga Restu Moyo. For the colours you bring to my world. Not all of them are bright, but each completes the others. :)


God of War said...

kaya kenal tuh nama dan fotonya...

pacarku yang lucu...
kenapa kau buka aibku....
dasar kau yaaa.....


Kalista Cendani said...

wehehehe. kn lucuu kmunyaa.
