Friday, May 8, 2009


Weekend is here! Hoaa! Yeaaah!

Oh God, I think it has been a very long week! And it may be longer yet next week! I'm just so glad it's Friday again so tomorrow I can oversleep as long as I want. TGI Friday.

Tugas masih menumpuk. One after another. Crap. Tapi gue mau bersyukur aja untuk minggu ini. Paling nggak, gue dapet beberapa GREAT news. No, I'm not gonna tell you what they are. I don't wanna jinx it.

It has been a roller coaster ride. More intense than ever. I feel like I'm exhausted, inside and out. Maybe it's the reason I haven't get a good sleep in two weeks (!). Hoaaaa! Mau teriak-teriak rasanya. Haha. I'm too happy, I don't care if I'm writing this post in two languages. Bodo amat! Gue bahagia!

Ternyata nggak susah kok bikin gue bahagia. It just takes a fulfilling week, a long chat with old time best friend, and my precious, precious bed and I'm content. Besok mau ke Benhil, liat-liat kamera (and hopefully purchase one). Abis itu macaaarrrrrr. Ahh kangen kamu pacar!

Ayo ayo UAS. Cepatlah kau datang dan pergi.
Percaya nggak, bahkan suatu hari karena begitu senangnya gue membayangkan liburan nanti gue sampai berteriak "Halellujah!" grok. Nggak, gue nggak murtad. Itu keceplosan. Sumpah. Besok shalat deh (I'm still having my period right now).

Yeah, I think it's true, that you shouldn't look too far for happiness. Sure you can get gay-ly happy when something big comes to your life. When you're at your wedding, or you get a promotion, or when you're sitting in a beach all by yourself just watching the sun sets.
But also, you can get content just by :
Reading a text message in your cellphone from your spouse claiming that he/she loves you.
Finding that 5000 Rupiahs in your pocket you didn't know you had.
Being able to mingle with your family after a very busy week.
Waking up so early in the morning just to realize that you still have an hour or two to sleep.
And so much more. Those little things that make you realize you're alive. The things that make you feel you belong somewhere, or with someone. Those little things that, for even a second or two, make you smile.

I'm happy.

"Being happy isn't having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe it's about stringing together all the little things like wearing these pants or getting to a new level of Dragon's Lair - making those count for more than the bad stuff. Maybe we just get through it... and that's all we can ask for." -- Bailey, in Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants.