Sunday, May 31, 2009

Classifications of Friends

it's only two days and I'm already out of things to do. So I do what I can with my MacBook : rambling.

So here goes :
1. Regular friends, whom you always say hello to but never really stay to chat with. Pleasant people, you care about them but not in an intense way.
2. Close friends, people who see you everyday and know just what type of person you are. Are you the outgoing one, or the quiet one, or the cocky one and so on. But you don't really feel you have a connection with them.
3. Strange-bonded friends, those you had history with. You know everything's over between the two of you but you can't help feeling somewhat responsible for one another. You're happy when they're happy, and you're not afraid to let them go just to find that they can always be there when you need them.
4. Best friends, people who know you inside and out. You're not afraid to be the worst of yourself in front of them because somehow you know they won't mind. They appreciate the differences they encounter while being friends with you. They don't ask questions when they know you're not ready to answer. These are the people you really want to please because you're so grateful they're always around.
5. A soul mate, the other side of you, the Yin to your Yang, the person who knows you best. Who reasons when you're emotional, who taught you how to feel when you're thinking logic. Who's mad when you make a mistake and makes mistakes just to make you mad. Who has nothing in common with you, but is connected to your every move. Your bittersweet relationship. The tears in your laugh and the smile in your pain.

Ps : Sometimes it feels like I'm losing everyone on my list and I couldn't feel more alone.


Resti said...

i've been rambling wantonly as well, actually. it's sad. and i found this more sad, how i frantically have no idea, which classification of friends i'm fitted in. ha!
ah selamat datang keborangan!

Kalista Cendani said...

oh of course you know which do you fit in.
if you don't know, then it's probably my mistake.